MattJ wrote:
Bravo! Having noted on the thread about Clover that Drew barely makes a cameo in that video, it was nice to see him appear long enough in this one to give an incorrect update on the time. Nothing like finding out you're an hour later on a Hell Portage than you think you are!
We went through in mid-July, staying first on Little Tarn after a b.s. day of hacking through the grasslands of Pogonia. The Tarn->St. Andrew's portage somehow still had an abundant supply of blackflies to go with the expected mosquitos. Our day called for a return to our car at Achray and a relocate to Eustache. I remember stumbling into the office at Achray looking for more Muskol and the kid working there said, "Well we do have these aerosol cans of Off! Citronella." "That's not gonna do it," I said, "But gimme two."
Hey, that's not the only time he appeared! But like I mentioned in the other thread, I just didn't take a lot of video of Drew in the first place. He was perfectly willing, but I'd never met him before this trip. Sticking a camera in a stranger's face on a regular basis felt like a jerk thing to do... so I didn't. We were out there to go camping, after all. The video stuff always comes second to that.
But yeah, I don't know if this is a conversation I had with Drew or just an internal monologue while being miserable on that Tarn - St. Andrew's portage, but the thought of doing that portage during bug season... *shudder*. It was already a terrible portage and we had more or less perfect conditions for it. It could have been much, much worse - as it sounds like you experienced.