Shah Lake appears to be just under 60 ha in surface area and is not stocked, so it might be against forum rules to discuss trout there, or by a broader read of the rules, native fishes in general. Though I wonder if the fish location rule is more about discussing the quality of a fishery, since the mere presence of certain species is easily available info for many lakes.
In any case it's a bit of a moot point with Shah, since I don't think there are any trout there and as far as I know there aren't any game fish species. Maybe some perch or sunfish? Like Peek, I wouldn't rule out there being fish in the lake just because there are none listed in the Fish ON-Line entry -- the entry also lacks basic size and depth info for the lake, so I assume it was just never surveyed by the MNR, rather than surveyed and found barren. But at the same time, if there were trout there I feel like we'd know through various sources, and the lake's location makes it unlikely that there are other large game species there.
Not impossible that there's a sucker-burbot food chain churning up the bottom of the lake, though. I'd be interested to find out if anyone knows.