I'm not that big on lashings, but probably because my most recent experiences have jaded me.
On Islet last year, where somebody left a lean to (the survival variety) just off the campsite, and lashed it with paracord. I cut and removed as much of the paracord as I could see, but there wasn't going to be any dismantling that hurricane-proof structure.
On Booth last Fall, there was a giant thing on an island site that (folks here helped me figure out) was for use as a chair, where you lay in a tarp or blanket on it. It was very evident that live cut trees had been used in part. Also lashed with paracord. I dismantled it, added to the firewood pile that was there.
To me, those kinds of things are eyesores at a minimum, and of course nobody would promote the use of live trees. That said, I have never complained about finding a little table at a site. In similar fashion, I've never seen a nail in a tree and decided on principle not to use it for a clothesline.
For some folks I guess lashings is part of the fun, but for others it is probably a function of boredom at the site, and we've probably all seen the hatchety results of boredom exercised on large live trees at campsites. I'll take the lashings.