super blood moon?

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Posted by swedish pimple
9/24/2015 2:15 pm

super harvest moon also blood moon this sun night or monday night,,,, next in the cycle 33 years away.

Posted by kellycamps
9/24/2015 7:12 pm

Cool! I've been watching the waxing moon. I'll get a bottle of wine ready for the event :-)
Thnx for the heads up

"Anyone can make love in a canoe, it's a Canadian who knows enough to take out the centre thwart!        Bahahaha!
                                                                      - Philip Chester
Posted by CanoeClaire
9/25/2015 9:52 am
Posted by Treater
9/28/2015 6:32 pm

We missed the eclipse in the park by one night, but saw it at home. It was pretty cool.

Moon Rise(7:30pm)

Saturday, the moon was so bright we didn't need any lights around camp! 


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