My Failed Trip to Clover Lake - Video

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Posted by Uppa
2/16/2018 11:37 am

ryanmorin wrote:

​Also, this loop you have posted is one of the spots in APP I have not been, and am attempting to do them all by the end of 2018. This one is one of the more daunting ones left, looking forward to watching your success video in the spring. I would ask to join you, but I am trying to reserve my spring trips to those areas I think have a high likelihood of Brook Trout! Do you think its going to kill me to try it in the summer?


Hey Ryan, 

McDonald creek can apparently get pretty low in the summer - I wouldn't assume you'll see the same water levels I did by the time August rolls around, so you might end up with quite a bit of dragging just to get to the portage I floundered on. But who knows - maybe it will be as wet as last year.

But assuming attempt #2 goes better than the first try (and it damn well better!) you'll have lots of good intel to help you out. It looks likely that at least one other person will be joining me for that loop, and he's also someone who creates trip reports... so I think there's soon going to be a lot more documentation on that loop than you can find today. 

Last edited by Uppa (2/16/2018 11:38 am)

Posted by frozentripper
2/17/2018 8:55 am

The larvae of horse fly and deer fly species develop in the mud along pond edges or stream banks, wetlands, or seepage areas.

Uppa's vid taken at a time (mid-august) when deer flies are typically declining could be an indicator... me, I'd take a rocky, clear lake midsummer and avoid the muddy spots until deer fly hell passes. 



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