So my plan was the low maintenance route through Achray into Guthrie then Clover Lake and then out through the Tarn lakes to St. Andrews (see the Trip Planning thread if you want the details). Instead here's what happened:
I had a bad night's sleep, which got me to the access point tired. The trip through Carcajou Bay and McDonald creek was fairly inconsequential. I had to hunt around a couple times in McDonald creek to find the right way but nothing major. I missed the portage marker to Turcotte and had to backtrack. When I found the portage marker into Turcotte, that was the beginning of things going south. The first ~100 meters or so of that portage is through wetland, and it was entirely buried in grasses. I spent at least half an hour hunting in various directions trying to figure out where I was supposed to go. Much of that time I was dragging my kayak with me (which was stupid), and that tired me out quickly. When I finally found the start of the portage in the woods I thought the worst was behind me; there was a well-defined trail and I started along it.
I single-carried that portage for a few hundred meters. It went from well defined to obscure, to non-existent, with blowdowns everywhere. I dropped my gear and spent the next half hour scouting in various directions, trying to pick up the portage again. I pulled out the Jeff's Map app on my phone, and even when the app told me I was standing right on the portage, I couldn't find it. Finally, tired and discouraged, I gave up. I paddled and portaged all the way back to the access point, got back in my car and drove all the way home.
So yeah. I've been home for quite some time and I'm still really mad at myself. I gave up way too easily, and when things weren't going my way I made the worst possible choices. I could have camped out on Grand and tried again the next day. Instead I was so discouraged I just wanted to get the hell out of there, and that's what I did. In a single day I drove the 5+ hours to Achray, paddled and portaged for another 6 hours (there and back), and then drove another 5+ hours home. An epic day, but not for the right reasons. A moment of weakness led me to abandoning my whole trip, and I'm so damn angry at myself. All I needed to do was sit down, take a 30 minute break to refresh and recharge and then give it another go. Instead I aborted.
I'm going to Clover Lake next spring, because I'll be damned if I'm going to let this be a permanent part of my camping history. I don't even care about the rest of it - as long as I make Clover I'll feel like I've redeemed myself somewhat. I can handle long and difficult days without issue, but not knowing where to go is something I haven't figured out yet - every time I've encountered that it's gotten me frustrated, fast. It's something I clearly have to work on.
On a side note, it seems like the kind of trip that might benefit from company, so if anyone's interested in visiting Clover next spring let me know.