Just back from WUT 1st week of May

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Posted by ManandhisDog
5/07/2017 9:08 am

Hi Folks, this is my first post on this amazing list!  My German Shepherd and I came out of the bush on Saturday after 6 amazing and incredibly challenging days on Loop 2 of the WUT.  I wanted to say a special "Thanks!" to the soloist we encountered in our first hour who recommended crossing the large beaver dam on one of our first water crossings.  We took your advice and it worked out really well!

The challenge of our trip was two-fold:  firstly the rain & cold - my first time trekking in either rain & cold.  My tent leaks - will be getting a new two-man tent for out next foray into the bush! Secondly, all of the quaint, pleasant, little streams and creeks I have crossed many a-time, were non-existent.  There were countless torrents, rapids, water falls and really fast, dangerous currents.  This was the first week of the delayed opening and it had already been raining for several days before we went in.  While we were able to go in across the Oxbow floodplain easily, coming out, after raining 4 out 6 days, meant wading through 3 feet of icy cold waters for the last 150m of our trip.  We didn't mind a bit - we'd been soaked head-to-toe for six days straight!  I would have crossed anything in my way, at that point to get to my car! 

The single biggest risk my dog & I faced all week was hypothermia.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your core warm!  Take more dry clothes than you think you need.  And TEST YOUR TENT in the rainy seaon BEFORE your life depends on it.  Our last night, with literal rivers of water running through out tent, all clothes, but the last set on my body soaked, sleeping bag soaked, all equipment soaked - I broke out the emergency heat-reflecting blanket and turned my nalgene into a hot water bottle, my dog & I huddled together and shivered our way through till dawn.  I know I made many mistakes, and I have learned a lot from this trip and thought I'd share a bit with you folks. 

One of the things I have learned is:  yes, I can backpack in cold rain, and even subzero temps and snow overnight; I've done it; and at 49 I am ready to pick a warmer, sunnier week, next time.

Last edited by ManandhisDog (5/07/2017 9:25 am)

Posted by ATVenture
5/07/2017 10:11 am

I enjoyed reading this, I was supposed to be on a canoe trip during that time and decided I'd reschedule because of the weather. Like you it would have been just me and my german shepherd. We are now leaving on the 16th and the weather is looking great! :-)
I don't blame you for never wanting to do it again! It's supposed to be fun getting out there but that's not my idea of fun! At least you got a good story to tell around the campfire out of it! 

Posted by Jdbonney
5/07/2017 11:14 am

Sounds like a great adventure. The first few times I hiked this trail it was mid summer. The first trip in spring was a real eye opener as the tiniest creeks you step across in summer are rivers in the spring. Good advice on making sure your tent actually keeps out the water; also a reminder that carrying a small tarp can be a literal lifesaver when the weather goes bad. When we camp we usually set the tarp up over or near the fire, but if it's looking like heavy rain the tarp goes over the tent. 

Posted by hiker72
5/07/2017 7:30 pm

Thanks so much for the trip report. Yeah, the WUT can be challenging at the best of times, and even more so with inclement weather. I've hiked the sections different times and once did a solo trip on the 3rd loop where I plowed through (and camped in) heavy rains and it was a humbling experience. I too learned a lot from that trip and bought another tent after that excursion. It's really odd how much the trail changes as a result of the rain and really cold temps on top of this must not be fun. Hypothermia is a real risk that I believe most of us grossly underestimate. I definitely appreciate the trail (and any trail) way, way more in drier weather! Glad to hear you and your pooch made it through relatively unscathed and wish you all the best on your next adventure!



Posted by Blobsquatch
5/08/2017 5:58 am

Thank you for letting us know about your ordeal. I'm sure you're glad you had man's best friend along as I'm guessing the two of you were able to share some body heat. Being someone who hikes solo without a dog I would not have had that advantage.
I'm curious, was the tent you were using that bad, or were the campsites just flooded to the point where water got in?


Posted by spicol
5/08/2017 8:05 am

Thanks for the heads up. I'm headed out this week and although the weather is supposed to be better, I will heed your warning and be extra cautious.

Posted by Jdbonney
5/08/2017 3:12 pm

They just announced both backpacking trails are closed until 12 may. 

Posted by Jdbonney
5/08/2017 3:17 pm

here is a pic from the bridge over the oxtongue looking towards the trail. 

Posted by ManandhisDog
5/08/2017 8:30 pm

Yes, those last 150 meters to the bridge sure were fun!  Nothing was going to stop us, though!
Tracy, the campsites were awesome; the problem was my tent.  Definitely getting a new tent for our next trip.
ATV, have a great time on your canoe trip!  I didn't have much fun, but I did come back with my head screwed on better; which is really what I needed to get out of the trip - so, in that way, it was a success.

Posted by Algonquintripper
5/09/2017 9:12 am

Jdbonney wrote:

here is a pic from the bridge over the oxtongue looking towards the trail. 

That pretty bad. Don't think I've seen it that deep before.

Posted by Uppa
5/09/2017 1:32 pm

I hear you about staying dry. I just got back from 6 days in APP and I guarded my dry clothes like my life depended on it (which it did!). My tent, fortunately, performed like a champ and I managed to stay pretty cozy the whole time. I threw in a second warm top almost on a whim in the last minutes of packing, and that seemingly inconsequential decision made all the difference in the world. 

Trip report to come (once I write it) but the portages, at least the ones I was on, are both flooded and littered with blowdowns. 


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