Thanks for the comments, it was indeed a great trip.
I'm not sure about how Jeffrey has labeled the routes, I understand the upper part being traditional maybe as it was a route at one time, but why the bottom end is unofficial I don't know. My opinion, expressed in my trip report, is that there is no reason this can't be a route. It just requires a sympathetic ear at Ontario Parks/Algonquin Park, there is some precedent of opening up new or historic routes ala the Big East
River/Hood Lake portages. I guess some requests or interest expressed by paddlers might help?
The permit office was a little out of their element, although I wasn't there for that, I came later and just said "add me to the permit". I know that the person at the office didn't know how to book what we wanted, there was a call or calls to somebody else to straighten it out. I believe it was a part time person covering the desk for a short time which may be why. It worked out in the end. Over the years we have had
trouble getting permits for most of our more involved routes. Camping was difficult a couple of nights because of running out of daylight, it was a tough go in a lot of places and the amount of distance you hoped to travel wasn't always possible.
Steve: Sadly, the beard is presently gone. :-(