Something that takes the sting out of anglers harvesting off the largest BT in a newly "discovered" hotspot lake is the fact that BT are not long-lived fish... over five years old would be old for a BT, and if a few are harvested off one year, it's not a long wait before there are more, if it's a consistent producer year after year. Lake trout are a different story with a large LT possibly needing 15-30 years before it's comsidered old.
The hotspot BT lake might be seen as a high-yield, consistent producer in it's unexploited state as well, while in reality the reason that large trout are being caught there is due to a strong year-class dominating the BT population at some time. It's known that the age structure in BT populations will vary from year to year with some years yielding more large, old BT than others. The reason may be better reproduction and survival of fry and young during one particular year and this spike in the age distribution goes through the population from year to year, until after maybe five years of growth, there are an unusually large number large, old BT to be had. Those BT will either die off eventuallyor be harvested off and if there isn't another strong year class to replace it, the yield afterwards will be poorer for those large, old BT.
Some lakes may well be hot for trophy BT some years and poor during others. During the poor years they may fall out of favor with anglers and attention might shift to another lake that produces better at that particular time.
Easy access is known to depress BT yield and in APP it's roads, so it's probably more realistic and time better spent to petition against the road network and illegal access than FOI on hotspot lakes... IMO anyway.