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4/04/2017 7:08 am  #1

water taxi

Just curious about what would happen if the lakes are ice free but the park feels its still unsafe to issue back country permits does the water taxi still operate ? last season we went in a week after opener and the park was still holding back permits no idea why no worse of conditions then in the past !


4/04/2017 7:28 am  #2

Re: water taxi

Since the taxi only services the backcountry parts of Opeongo, if they aren't issuing backcountry permits it's likely the taxi won't operate. That's my speculation, you could call Algonquin Outfitters (1-800-469-4948) or Opeongo Outfitters (1-800-790-1864) and get the official word from them directly - but changes are if no permits are being issued no taxi are going up the lake.


4/04/2017 8:07 am  #3

Re: water taxi

AO also uses their water taxi for day tripping purposes like the Hailstorm Creek tours. They operate on demand anyway so I don't know why they'd turn down a fare if it was safe to travel, but practically speaking, I don't imagine a large window between Opeongo becoming navigable by motorboat and the park opening up backcountry camping.


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