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In the spirit of the season, does anyone want to share a couple of their best Algonquin shots in high detail .. at least as 1680 x 1050 pixels? Assuming they're suitable, I'll overlay the AlgonquinAdventures.com domain name and the photographer's name .. and add them to the website's Photography section's "Wallpaper" page to share. That page of the website has been neglected for far too many years. It's time for some new content!
Great idea Barry! I'll start with a few of mine...
I apologize Steve, that when I indicated "Assuming they're suitable ..", I should have specified that only 'horizontal" 1680 x 1050 pixel images would be suitable. Do you want to crop and resize some larger originals?
Ah that's my fault Barry sorry for some reason in my head I was assuming wallpapers for phones...not sure why I was thinking that!
Well hey Steve, I should have considered that! But I only got my first 'smart-phone' a few months ago and haven't integrated it very much into my thinking. What image dimensions would be appropriate for that use?
Hahah no worries! In all honesty I don't really pay much attention to dimensions. For my desktop wallpapers I just export my image to full size and then make it the wallpaper. Same goes for my iPhone wallpapers. I just use portrait orientation for phones and landscape for desktops. Does that kind of make sense?
There is no way I could compete with your photos Steve ! They are AWSOME !
Ah thanks that's super nice of you to say Andy! But in all honesty the beauty of digital photography is that it is pretty much free to learn and develop your skills....so many great photographers out there with great tutorials and stuff. There's always room for improvement but that's the fun of it
Well Steve, there seems to be more to this phone wallpaper stuff than just matching the phone's screen's dimensions .. specially in the case of Android smartphones.From your comment, it appears you have an iPhone. Can you please let me know what its screen dimensions are? We'll try to figure out a standardized wallpaper image size for them .. along with the best location for the text overlay.
In the meantime, I'll try to deal with the Android phones .. Android phones' wallpaper image files are "scrolled" behind the phones' three main application-tile-screens. So, even though the phones' physical screens have a vertical "portrait" configuration, the images they use actually have a horizontal "landscape" configuration. As a result, it is awkward to place the domain name and photographer's name in the conventional top-right corner of the image. An alternative placement is at right-angles along the far right edge of the image, where it will only appear in the third application-tile-screen.
The following is my first effort of an Android phone type of wallpaper file. Obviously, it's just a mock-up, as I've arbitrarily used a cropped part of your 'red canoe' shot ...
Well, that didn't work out! Looks like the internet-gleaned info about a horizontal "landscape" configuration was out-to-lunch! I uploaded the above image as my Android phone's wallpaper and only its center portion got used across the three screens, as shown in the following ...
I can see it'll take a bit more trial-and-error. I'll fiddle with this over the next couple of days, off the forum. When I get some un-embarrassingly good results, I'll repost! LOL
Well, I've been messing around in the "Test Forum", and have found out that 810x1440 pixels works great as a static (non-panning) wallpaper image on my MOTO-G-3 phone. I've also learned that Android allows phone and tablet manufacturers to vary their device monitor specs to include all different kinds of 'ratios'. So, it looks like pixel dimension ratios of smart-phones and tablets do vary quite a lot!
Here's an 810x1440 pixel wallpaper image file with the desciptive text along the bottom. While it works fine as a static wallpaper on my phone, I have no idea how it'll work on other smart-phones with different screen dimensions.
Nice work Barry! Who knew this stuff could be so confusing eh? lol
Well, I've been trying to get up- to-speed on smart-phone display resolutions.
My own Moto G3 and the Galaxy Note have a screen width of 720 pixels and a screen height of 1280 pixels (as do many other cheaper and compact units).
The Sony Experia, Galaxy S4, HTC One, Nexus 5 and LG G2 have s a screen width of 1080 pixels and a screen height of 1920 pixels (as do most top-end units).
Regardless of their pixel "density", both of the above screen configurations work-out to a 9:16 width-to-height ratio.
While the screens of the iPhones 5 through 7 have differing pixel dimensions, they all work-out to the same 9:16 width-to-height ratio.
So as to benefit the resolution capability of the higher-end phones, a single 1080 x 1920 pixel standard for wallpaper image size will serve both 9:16 ratio screen dimensions.
As a result, I'm asking that smart-phone wallpaper submissions be in the 9:16 width-to-height ratio, at least 1080 x 1920 pixels in size, and not compressed excessively.
Submissions can be emailed to canoe@algonquinadventures.com .
All right, even though I feel like I am "farting against thunder" when comparing my photos to Steve's, here goes:
Ralph Bice Lake in August 2013 at sunrise:
Another from Ralph Bice on that same trip:
Maple Leaf Lake in spring of 2015:
Thanks for the opportunity to share, Barry!
Tracy those are awesome pics! I think you nailed the composition and the lighting is perfect...great work!
I've had to catch-up with which screen dimension ratios are popular. It looks to me as if the following are popular ...
Desk-top computers - 16:9 (to accommodate widescreen video)
Smart-phones - 9:16 (turned on side for video)
Tablets - 4:3 and 16:10 (turned on side to suite 'book reading')
An explanatory Wiki reference ...
So, I'm going to limit our 'wallpapers' to ...
16:9 for desktop computer monitors (minimum 1920 x 1080 pixels)
9:16 for smart-phones (minimum 1080 x 1920 pixels)
I'll need for them to be emailed to me along with the photographer's first and last names, so they can be properly credited.
Thank you, Steve!
Barry, I will email the image files to you within the next few days.
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