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12/10/2016 8:50 am  #1

The Algonquin land claim

"The Algonquin land claim. The largest land claim being negotiated in Ontario. If successful, it will be the province’s first modern-day constitutionally protected treaty.

The claim covers a territory of 36,000 square kilometres in eastern Ontario that is populated by more than 1.2 million people.

The transfer of 117,500 acres of Crown Lands to Algonquin ownership.

Parks: No lands will be transferred from Algonquin Park. Ontario will continue managing Ontario parks, with the Algonquins having a greater planning role. Two non-operating parks and parts of five non-operating parks are proposed for transfer. A new 30,000 acre provincial park near Crotch Lake is being recommended. For every acre of park land proposed for transfer, 6 acres of new park land would be added."

An interesting read and map:

December 8, 2016. "Quebec Algonquins file title claim to downtown Ottawa
Move comes after Ontario Algonquins signed agreement-in-principle worth estimated $300M"

October 18, 2016.  "Historic land deal with Algonquin peoples signed by federal, Ontario governments. Agreement in principle involves more than $300M, roughly 36,000 square kilometres of land."


12/10/2016 10:15 am  #2

Re: The Algonquin land claim

Earlier forum discussions on this topic ..


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