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5/25/2016 10:25 am  #1

2016 History Workshop led by historian and author Rory MacKay ...

I attended the event in 2014 and thoroughly enjoyed it! Below is a shot taken on Cache Lake's old railway right-of-way, of Rory recounting the area's history.


8/06/2016 3:42 pm  #2

Re: 2016 History Workshop led by historian and author Rory MacKay ...

This is a reminder that there are still places left for this weekend of history and good food in mid-September. The workshop is intended to be best if participants could stay together at the Mad Musher, but if you have another place to stay call Steve at the Mad Musher and see if something can be worked out.  Remember all meals, at least 15 hours of historical interpretation, (and lodging) are included in the price.


9/21/2016 2:32 pm  #3

Re: 2016 History Workshop led by historian and author Rory MacKay ...

This is just a quick note to thank Steve Dunsford, the Mad Musher, for hosting the historic "Site-seeing" and culinary experience workshop at his restaurant this past weekend. As usual the food was excellent. The weather co-operated two of the three days. Thanks also to the participants, who made the work of preparing for the workshop most worthwhile.
Rory MacKay


9/21/2016 9:34 pm  #4

Re: 2016 History Workshop led by historian and author Rory MacKay ...

how many guests attended ?


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