Cody has just published a new triplog on his website Algonquin & Beyond ...
It's from early September "6 Day Heat Wave on North Tea Lake & Biggar Lake" at ...
And, here's a heads-up from his latest newsletter .. "I've finally started making my way through the overwhelming amount of content from my September, October, and November trips." .. "Still in the queue is 6 more trip reports, almost 100 campsite reports, and a handful of videos. I'm going to have a busy next few months... "
Last edited by BarryB (11/21/2023 10:17 am)
Thank you for the heads up Barry.
Good read and great pictures as always Cody, looking forward to the next installment!
Great report!!!
I've faced that headwind on that lake coming out to the car and I can fully empathize with the exhaustion!
Thanks guys!