Peek wrote:
Yes that is Greenleaf Lake. Pic taken from campsite in between the other 2 sites on the lake.
Last edited by Dwight (11/11/2023 5:58 pm)
An interesting experiment would be to drop Peek off at a random spot within Algonquin Park without a map, gps, compass, or phone and see how long it takes for him to extract himself.
Peek and swede are truly incredible at this...
rgcmce wrote:
An interesting experiment would be to drop Peek off at a random spot within Algonquin Park without a map, gps, compass, or phone and see how long it takes for him to extract himself.
I like this idea! But - Martin and Scott have to come with me.
Peek wrote:
rgcmce wrote:
An interesting experiment would be to drop Peek off at a random spot within Algonquin Park without a map, gps, compass, or phone and see how long it takes for him to extract himself.
I like this idea! But - Martin and Scott have to come with me.
I'm just not sure how we handle the logistics of dumping the three of you in the Park without you knowing where you were. Blindfold you and dump you out of an aircraft perhaps, but I think there are some legalities that would need to be worked out.