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3/27/2022 9:50 am  #1

Maple Lake

Headed to Maple Lake when the park opens.
From looking at the PCI, trip reports & videos, it seems like a LOT of people choose the island site at the far south of the lake. (Site #4 in the PCI).
I'm wondering if anyone has been to the island site in the lake's northern part. (Site #9 in the PCI numbering system).
I'll be base camping on Maple for several days -- doing day trips from there.
Being spring, I'm hoping to find some creek & bog exploring... water levels higher to get further, bugs not so bad... and nibbling moose.
from the maps, it looks like maybe:
--narrow part connecting small northern part of lake to larger section.
--- east at "Adam's Bog"
--- the south-east corner (on Jeff's "old" map, it says "Maple Lakes" over top of this area).
---and possibly the south-west corner.

...anyone had any fun creek wandering in the area? lake over at Ratrap & Dahinda it looks like there is lots to explore.


(BTW, very different area, but I spent several days last October on Carl Wilson... I had a great creek daytrip... I managed to make it a VERY long way up the creek in the north-west corner. -- almost positive that I was just shy of the logging road when I turned around). ---btw btw... that lake is October was fantastic).


3/27/2022 10:32 am  #2

Re: Maple Lake

Hi bheard. Maple Lake is awesome.

My wife and I stayed on CS#9 on the North island on Maple Lake in 2020. The site is very well used so lots of erosion and basically no firewood.

It is gorgeous IMO though. Has an easy landing looking south and some open rocks to enjoy the view.

I'd say that the island site CS#4 is much better... it was occupied when we arrived to the lake unfortunately.

Cheers, happy moose hunting.


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