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7/27/2021 5:33 pm  #1

Mis-use of the forum to conduct spam and to harass ...

As the administrator of this forum, I oversee applications from people wanting access to it. Unfortunately, legitimate applications are vastly outnumbered by those intent on harassing forum users. I endeavor to checkout applicants and determine if they have a history of spamming and/or harassment, in which cases I don't process the applications. Now and then, such an applicant will escape my efforts and cause problems either on the forum directly or indirectly by 'private messages'.

If you believe a forum posting is 'insincere' or 'harassment', please 'screen-capture' it and email it to me at .

If you have been harassed by 'private message', please 'screen-capture' the PM and email it to me at .

Thank you. 


Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.