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9/13/2020 4:11 pm  #1

(Video) 5-day kayak loop: Magnetawan to Shippagew, White Trout, Misty

July was a busy camping month for me this year. I started it off with a 5-day loop out of Magnetawan which took me down the Tim River to Shippagew, then out through White Trout, Misty and the Petawawa. Part one covers the first two days to Shippagew, part two the trip out. Perfect weather, great campsites, and the bugs were better than I could have hoped for - it was an idyllic trip. Hope you enjoy the videos!



9/18/2020 11:55 am  #2

Re: (Video) 5-day kayak loop: Magnetawan to Shippagew, White Trout, Misty

Just managed to watch these.  Nice footage.  Sorry to hear about the loss of the glasses.  Hopefully the scenery and good sites made up for that.


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