With the increasing popularity of the sport, has anyone seen or been doing StandUp Paddleboard paddling overnight in the interior. I have started reading about it on the Web and just wandering if this is something some paddlers in Algonquin Park have been doing. I am curious about the possibility of this new way of travelling in the Park. Also what are the perception of this new sport in the Park compare to Canoeing.
Curious to know...
Where would you put your gear?
Yes, we've seen SUPpers in Algonquin.
One was a young lady paddling out of Opeongo. Had a small backpack on, so I don't know if she was daytripping or a real lightweight soloist.
It's been fascinating to see the variety of propulsion methods in the last few years.
Last edited by Barbara (12/07/2015 9:49 am)
Yep, saw two guys on their way into Ragged Lake as I was headed out this fall. The one guy had a kayak filled with gear that was tied to his boat then they just pulled that along behind them.
We saw an SUP camper this summer on Sec, but tagging along with a duo in a canoe, so the canoe was loaded down with all the gear. "Access" lakes with campsites would be ideal, I'm sure you could tether some dry bags to the deck even (if you packed light enough)
Not sure you'd want to carry your board very far, but then again, I've never lifted one
Algonquintripper wrote:
Where would you put your gear?
Paddle board are made for different application just like canoes. Touring SUP would have a greater weight capacity. I would think you need to be weight conscious and need to pack light. If not already on the board, attachment can be added to secure gear. With a decent weather forecast and warm temperature in July and August, someone could travel fairly light. I am not too sure about long portage, weight seem to be less or equal to light pack canoe.
I wasn't thinking the weight, rather the awkwardness . . . my daughter has a 6ft plastic kayak that would kill me to carry a 500m portage even, and its only 21lbs, but because of the yoke and balance, a canoe carry that distance is no problem
that said, the world is full of ideas, I'm sure someone will, if they haven't already, come up with a method to portage a SUP effectively =)
Check out muskoka river x Facebook page for ideas on how it's done. The SUP racers carry the same mandatory gear as canoes other than a bailer. Enough gear for an emergency night in the bush. A mix of packs and dry bag lashed to decks for gear.For an extended trip beyond an overnight you would have to be pretty hard core and comfortable with bare essentials. No luxury items unless you consider lip balm a luxury item LOL! Ideally they would tag along with a canoe for some gear capacity but I think if one were creative with route selection and could include strategic stops at outfitters for resupply a trip beyond a couple days would be reasonable SUP only. As for portages, shoulder straps , traditional under arm carry and on your head carries are typical. Totally doable within APP IMO.
Passed by this Lady on Hambone this August.
I believe she was camped with a group.
I believe one of the Swift brothers has tripped on a paddle board as well.
Can not see why it would not work, lash the pack forward and adjust the trim by where you stand. Heck, the dog probably weighs the same as my pack with food for a week.
Off topic, Shane we really need to sit down one day and talk about the River X. Looked into it and I can solo with a Yak paddle if I enter the open kayak class.
Not 100% sure but that board appears to be an inflatable model. Theoretically one could deflate and and pack that across a lengthy portage. Most come with a back pack for transport. They are very durable although not as efficient as a rigid board.
Rob. Drop me a line any time with questions. Registration opens Dec. 13 I believe. I think we are planning to do another.
Last edited by Shayne74 (12/08/2015 6:27 am)