I've never done any paddling on the Tim River yet. I was wondering for a soloist if its feasible to paddle against current say from say Shippagew Lake to Long Bow in May? I guess I'm curious about how strong the current is.
I paddled the Petawawa from the Crow River Junction to Cedar Lake late September last year solo on a 10 day solo trip. The was a few spots that I really had to paddle but it was later in the year.
I can’t speak for the entire length you’re asking about, but you can certainly paddle against the current between the Queer portage and Longbow. I’d guess the rest of the River is similar, I’m sure someone here can confirm. Just be ready for beaver dams if water levels are lower.
I have done the Tim River a number of times. Always west to east. In the summer (low water) there really isn't any reason why you would not be able to travel east to west. I did an ice-out trip that involved the Tim River in 2017, when water levels were very high. I had my paddle in the water only to maintain control of my canoe, I made it from the Shah Lake portage to Shippagew Lake in record time. Paddling from east to west, at that time, would have been extremely difficult if not impossible!
I've paddled from Shah Lake up the Tim to Longbow a couple of times in early May solo and have had no problems.
Thanks very much for the responses everyone. Greatly appreciated. I wish I had utilized this board years ago for advice when I first started canoeing in Algonquin.