I really hope this story has a happy ending. The poor fella must be freaking out a bit wandering the city... oddly, this is about 3km from where I am sitting in my office. I wanna go see the moosie!
Fingers crossed for a safe relocation and no collisions
Our offices can't be too far apart, because that's my neck of the woods too. I've seen plenty of wildlife from our office windows, but a moose would be a new one!
Hopefully it all works out for the moose!
We had a similar situation recently here in North Bay, too bad I didn't witness it but they had to close roads down etc for it to get back to safety.
They believe he has bedded down somewhere for the night and consider this a good thing at this point because he is likely exhausted and highly stressed by the day's activities. They will be trying again tomorrow to sedate and relocate.