There were actually two planes, in quick succession, one after the other.
The video clip on the first wasn't so good. But I did manage a frame-cut from it.
Quite some hardware hanging from the wings!
But why over A.P.P.??
CFB Trenton and CFB Petawawa aren't that far away, as is the adjacent Petawawa Miltary Reserve. With the restricted air space over the park, it lends itself to military air activities. I've seen large air transports, a helicopter gunship and numerous jet fighters over the park, over the years. I'm sure the park's own float-plane flights are well coordinated to avoid conflicts with the military exercises.
Great vid!
I once saw a Hercules thread needle of the Narrows between Big Trout and White Trout. It was almost as though the body was in the narrows and the wings just above the trees. It was pretty crazy!
The funniest part is that a day later the park plane did the exact same thing!