Hello All !
Near the start of a new Journey, a few words...
...and so Alive, I left the Park,
With all the Wonders of its' Dark.
In mind, the Wind and Water, too...
The Forest-green, the Sky so Blue...
Returned to Life,
Refreshed anew.
And, on,
I did not know, that day,
How far, how long, I'd be away.
Events of Life would have their Sway.
Yet, still, the Ancients beckon...
--Sean, July 2017
Hi y'all !
I'm a little surprised...not even one reply to my post above! No worries tho.
It occurred to me after that it might seem a little unusual, for a new first-post!
The canoe-trip I'm planning will be in Sept., after the mid-summer high-season ends.
After six years since my last solo trip in the Park, that seems near to me! This trip, however, won't be a solo...
It's a good poem, but yeah I didn't have an obvious response.
How was the trip?
Maybe there aren't a lot of poetry lovers or else they're all out camping?
After a few reads however, I feel the sentiment.
Having just returned from three nights with my daughter it's pretty much all I can think about...I now realize that 4 days in Algonquin is better than most other vacations I take...Although the work is hard and requires attention (food, shelter, transit etc) there is something about it that demands my attention fully. This makes everything back home seem small and unimportant. And the fact that I am completely unreachable underlines all this.
Thanks for your words!
RobW: My trip will be in September...TR will follow!
Stewthebassman: "This makes everything back home seem small and unimportant. "
Stew, AP is a labour of love, just as family is...nothing small or unimportant about either!
Quite true!!
I know myself, going there is well worth the effort it takes! Also know that we all here do!
Sean // ...10/11/...17---OH YEAH!!!
Just pitched the last of my three tents...airing them out after six years in the bag.
My 'Peasant Hut' rises again!! {...and looks like it's aching to be back in the Park!!)
...Arghhh...a month to wait--don't know how I'll endure that!
I had booked my end of July trip in April. It was agonizing. Of course all the planning is kind of fun too, so it takes the edge off!
Ahem...pardon me for this, but...
Just made my res and rcv'd email conf from OP...5-nights in AP, Sept.10-15...
don't feel bad about the lack of responses earlier in this thread .. I posted about Sasquatch sightings and didn't get a response yet ...
(although from being on here for many years I know there's some out there ..)
I have a feeling we are going to have a nice fall ... I've already put my GF on notice that until November not to plan any family dinners ... I have one hiking and one fishing trip to get done ... .
DW where was the Sasquatch post? I'd be in on that for sure!
Sean, great poem! Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum
Hi Steve .. I put it in the Catch All section ... was not sure where else ...
Stew I've yearned to return to AP for ages! Its been so long since my last trip and just 'un-dispersing' my scattered gear will be a monumental task--but a totally enjoyable one!
(DW) I think that Sasquatch are myth and legend--but ya never know! New species get discovered from time-to-time, mostly in the oceans though, it seems. Does Sasquatch swim?!!
Steve E Thanks Steve! I wrote that only recently, in the course of something entirely unrelated to AP. It is, however, both a connection to my last trip six years ago in 2011 and a bridge to my upcoming trip--
10 days from now!!!
Counting the sheep jumping the sleeps!!!
Hi Sean .. .this is my favorite part of your poem ...
"Returned to Life,
Refreshed anew"
Yep .. that's how I feel when I leave. Perhaps its as simple as lots of trees and clean air to breathe ... not sure but I don't quote get the same feeling when car camping ... its still good but not the same.
I put sasquatch in the same category as Loch Ness ... fun to hear the stories ... but no real convincing evidence ...
Of the several solo canoe trips I've done, the last one, in 2011 in AP was the best--so far! Each trip was great, even thru the hardest snags. But leaving-day has always been a bit of a 'downer'.
It's on the paddle back that the feeling of ''renew'' happens for me...a sense of ''yeah, I can handle it--whatever happens''. That, and too, knowing that I know the way back!
Only 2 days to go and it's all coming together, finally! If it doesn't fold-flat, compact or compress
in some way--then it stays!!
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