Hi everyone. I'm trying to plan a quick, one nighter just after Thanksgiving. Ideally a loop and anywhere west side or west part of Hwy 60.
I can see some options out of Canoe or Smoke, but am hoping for something more creative. Last year we did Cache to Head via Madawaska so I'm hoping there are other cool options out there like that that I'm just overlooking.
If you know of anything like that (and don't mind sharing) I'd love to hear it.
Actually I think an off-season weekender like that could be a good use of the Canoe/Smoke area, when the crowds are gone and the camps are closed. I've done 3 one-night loops in that area. The shortest distance-wise was Smoke - Ragged (camp) - Claude - Smoke. A longer one was Canoe - Tepee - Littledoe - Burnt Island (camp) - the Joes - Canoe, and the longest was Canoe - Tepee - Littledoe - Blue Jay - Vanishing - Sunbeam (camp) - Treefrog - Burnt Island - Joes - Canoe. That last one depends on high water levels to go up the creek to Vanishing Pond, so we'll see if it rains much this fall.
On the west side of the park there's the Rain - Daisy - Petawawa - Moccasin - Jubilee - Sawyer - Rain loop, which I've done as a 3-day solo but could certainly be done in 2 days. Magnetawan to Misty could be a 2-day loop if one of the days was a long one via Ralph Bice, Queer and either Tim River/Shah (if water levels permit) or the Queer-Little Misty portage if your shoulders permit. Could also make the trip a little shorter by camping on Little Misty instead of Misty if not using the Tim River.
Kiosk is probably farther than you were planning to go but the Kiosk - Mink - Club - Waterclear - Whitebirch - Kiosk loop is a nice one for two days.
Another vote for the area north of Canoe lake... plenty of poplar forests there which after Thanksgiving should still have some color hanging on (maples OTOH will most likely be over if wind, rain and frost has knocked the leaves off).... Teepee, Littledoe, T. Thomson have plenty of poplar regrowth after being heavily logged during the old days.
Another option... tamarack/black spruce forests have tamaracks going to their gold color after TG... the Tim river west of Rosebary should be starting to show color there, as well as other rivers running through that forest type.
If the weather's windy, might be best to stick to a river, to avoid being windbound... good luck.
PS... if the weather is too windy to paddle lakes during the two days you plan to be in the park, there is a plan B day trip possible on Costello creek south of Opeongo which should have tamaracks changing to fall color as well as black spruce and the Opeongo lookout cliffs. Also moose... yes, they're supposed to be in upland forests at that time of year but I've seen them there during the TG weekend. Another scenic day paddle is along the Madawaska river east of Cache... IIRC there are tamaracks and poplars there for fall color, as well as large pines, etc.
Last edited by frozentripper (9/06/2015 10:01 am)