Hi Everyone!,
Does anyone know any details about an alligator in Farm Bay on Galeairy L? I had thought there was only the 3 in the park (Catfish, Burntroot, and the logging museum), but saw this on Jeff's map (caption just below Farm Bay)... If there is one there - Does anyone have any further info, pics, cords, etc? Thanks!
Funny, I did some digging into this a couple years ago (including talk to Jeff M. about it) and by random poking around, found the following via google earth/panoramio (I have NOT confirmed this from the water).
Technically its outside the park, on Galeairy Lk. if the photo tag location is correct.
Happy adventuring!
Very cool, I'm curious to see Peek's answer when he comes on here.
I've had some lengthy discussions with Jeffrey about this particular ruin (along with an abandoned railway boxcar) and based on the info we found / he had, we discovered the ruin is probably not within Algonquin's border (I can't remember the details of how we concluded this, the conversation was back in 2014) and Craig's findings support that. I wouldn't be surprised if the geo-tag is correct, or at least close.
However, given that the ruin is so clearly visible from the shore, I'm surprised more info isnt available. I'm sure ton's of people fish, canoe and motorboat all around Galeairy - which means some locals in Whitney would probably be aware of it.
Too bad I didn't have this location from Craig last October. I spent two nights on Galeairy Lake (very pretty lake in the narrows by the way) and I would have stopped to check this out if I had Craig's location info. I guessed I should've googled harder lol.
That's what struck me as so odd also Peek, if its that close to Whitney, you'd think it'd be brutally obvious and more well known . . .
Perhaps to the locals its just one of those "its always been there" items . . .
Might not fit into my plans this year, but surely somebody here will check it out =)
So I used some MNR High-Res imagery to inspect the area Craig pointed out - and I think this very well may be it.
There is a massive clearing here - not a cottage - and if you look closely, there is an object in the water exactly where the Google Earth photo that Craig posted is located. Sure it could be a fallen tree - but compared to other fallen logs in the area, this object looks different. Here is a shot, you decide:
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the great info! I may be passing by the area this weekend actually... If I have the chance to explore, I'll reply with some more info :-)
Thanks again!
Hi Folks,
I was able to check it out, and looks like the above is correct! There is an alligator there - at the above mentioned location - Exact coords are 45.494441,-78.260362 (well maybe an arm-length NW lol). Believe the alligator isn't in the park. In addition to the coords, I also noticed no trespassing signs in the area surrounding the alligator. If you look on satellite imagery just south of the alligator, there's a cottage, so thinking this would be part of the same property... Curious as to why Google maps would indicate this is within the park?? Regardless, the clearing looks to me to be an old farm depot, which was also neat to see... Below are a couple pics...
Note: I respect people's private property, where given the no trespassing signs I didn't get out of my boat onto the land. All pictures/coords were taken were from the water.
While not in the park, and the weather was pretty terrible, it was nice to finally be able to be out on the water! Happy paddling all!
Cool picture. If only that old tug could talk. Probably some excellent stories.
Thanks Ash!
Now . . . it is of course entirely possible there is ANOTHER one at the location indicated on Jeff's map =)
When speaking with Jeff, he only had 2nd hand information about the one possibly at the Farm Bay location . . .
That would be really neat if there's another alligator closer to where indicated on Jeff's map! When I had originally saw the blurb on Jeff's map for Galeairy L, I had visions of an alligator sunken in the bay there (given not much info online and I had seen additional artifacts under the water just offshore from the Burntroot alligator)...
Oh and PS - One other important tidbit from my 'mini trip report' - The Algonquin Lunch Bar & Service Statin makes amazing homemade baked goods! FYI for others with a sweet tooth ;-)
I think there is still one in Farm Bay, I can't find the email conversation with Jeffrey at the moment but something from it has me convinced to check Farm Bay at my next opportunity.
Nice! I had wanted explore around Farm Bay when checking out the above one, however didn't have time I would have needed to explore both...:-(. One trip I want to do is Rock L to Welome L, think I may need to make a detour if I do!
Hi Folks,
Replying a little late to this post lol! However, came across the listing for this property... Turns out it’s for sale right now... Neat to read a little more of the property’s background..:-)
If only I had a half mil lying around. That looks like a beautiful property.
Jdbonney wrote:
If only I had a half mil lying around. That looks like a beautiful property.
I know right? Perhaps split 50/50? ;-) Would also make a great jump off point for those who don't live so close to the park...
Ash wrote:
Jdbonney wrote:
If only I had a half mil lying around. That looks like a beautiful property.
I know right? Perhaps split 50/50? ;-) Would also make a great jump off point for those who don't live so close to the park...
If only I had a 1/4 mil lying around!!! Lol.