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4/10/2017 2:05 pm  #1

Camp Shoes

What do you bring for camp shoes? 

Chris McD's post on neoprene socks had me thinking. 

I usually wear my hiking boots in the boat. I know many don't but I like the stability on the portage trail and I don't like taking the time putting them on and off.

Typically I bring flip flops for around camp so I don't always have to have my hikers on. But, in the spring and fall, my feet get too cold for flip flops. A friend had a great pair of shoes (from patagonia, i think) that folded in half for packing, were light weight and were great for around camp with or without socks.

I haven't been able to find them or anything like them. Anyone have any recommendations?


4/10/2017 2:39 pm  #2

Re: Camp Shoes

I wear water shoes while travelling - in a kayak, portage put-ins and take-outs often mean I have no choice but to step into the water deeper than hiking boots would handle. My campsite shoes are my most recent pair of 'retired' running shoes which are generally pretty lightweight. They live in a dry bag attached to the outside of my pack since they could be dirty or wet - I don't want them mixing with the rest of my gear. I'm not a fan of open-toed shoes in the back country - it's an injury (or a case of poison ivy) waiting to happen. 


4/10/2017 3:00 pm  #3

Re: Camp Shoes

Keen sandals with gore-tex socks for when the water gets cold.
@CanoeClaire, I have a pair of those Patagonia basecamp shoes and I absolutely love them! Super light, durable and surprisingly water resistant. Thing is I've had them like 4 years now and I cannot find another pair for sale. Maybe Patagonia stopped making them. 


4/10/2017 3:28 pm  #4

Re: Camp Shoes

Crocks.  I wear them for the whole trip, in the boat, portage and camp shoes, even during the early spring.  They dry fast so on camp sites, I put socks on and wear them

I am considering buying a pair of lighter weight boots…I'm open to suggestions...


4/10/2017 4:00 pm  #5

Re: Camp Shoes

I've never had too much trouble with getting my hikers wet while paddling and portaging. 95% of the time I avoid getting right in the water at take outs and put ins and if my boots do get wet, the wool socks I'm wearing still keep me warm. 

I am sort of surprised by the number of people who just jump right into the water at a take out or put in. But it's all personal preference. I like the stability of hiking boots when I'm carrying a load on the trail so I'm willing to be a bit more cautious when I get in and out of the boat. 

For camp shoes, I could get around my fashion-hatred for crocks but they are so bulky that they don't make sense for me to bring just for camp shoes (since I wouldn't be wearing them the whole trip).

I dream of those Patagonia shoes sometimes. @RCSpartan - do you know what model yours are? Maybe I can find them on eBay or something. 

     Thread Starter

4/10/2017 4:28 pm  #6

Re: Camp Shoes

I suspect it is one of these Claire. Both are US sites but will ship to Canada.

Lots of sizes in the sneaker version. Only one in the camp shoe.

Lots of sizes of these.

Hope you are a size 5.

Looks like Patagonia may have exited the footwear business all together.

For me. In spring I'm using an old pair of Sanuk slip ons. Pretty light about 13ozs for the pair. In line with light weight trail runners. They are like a sturdy pair of slippers for camp.

In the summer I use a pair of ultra light Xero Z-Trail sandals( about 11 ozs) They are sandals designed for trail running so they have a good grip and are fairly supportive. If the portages aren't too bad or long on the trip you could actually just bring them for both travel and camp.

Last edited by ShawnD (4/11/2017 11:20 am)


4/10/2017 5:03 pm  #7

Re: Camp Shoes

My Patagonias look like this.

They are slip ons and not lace up. Can wear barefoot or with thick wool socks.
Don't seem to be stocked anymore. Shame.


4/10/2017 6:28 pm  #8

Re: Camp Shoes

this weeks "canadian tire " flier has "outbound shore sandals" on sale, half off
    $44.99 reg price ,,, sale price $22.49
   that  is what have for water shoes,,,,, canadian tire money used for purchase  equals free water shoes
  it pays to buy gas at "canadian tire"


4/10/2017 9:24 pm  #9

Re: Camp Shoes

Another vote here for Crocs.  Sure they look goofy and don't give a ton of support but like mentioned above they dry so darned fast and are so comfy that I wear those pretty much exclusively when tripping...Oh and they are super light as well...

Last edited by Steve E (4/10/2017 9:25 pm)


4/10/2017 9:52 pm  #10

Re: Camp Shoes

Steve E wrote:

Another vote here for Crocs.  Sure they look goofy and don't give a ton of support but like mentioned above they dry so darned fast and are so comfy that I wear those pretty much exclusively when tripping...Oh and they are super light as well...

I echo this statement.
I usually just biner them to the outside of my pack.
Mine are the dollarstore crocs.


4/10/2017 10:08 pm  #11

Re: Camp Shoes

I travel in Keane Newports and camp in Sanuk.  Sometime I wear flip flops but I found even just around camp scavaging for wood I've had some close calls in flip flops. I switched to to my old Sanuks and love them in camp. Slip on. You can either wear them like clogs or pull the heel on  and they are pretty warm an very comfy. I've also had some close calls with crocs  as they can be very slippery when the soles start to wear.  I find them light and comfortable but I can't see tripping in them exclusively. I also have some mec  water mocs.  Both high and low . They are my go to in the shoulder seasons even for portaging.  I hate changing shoes for a portage. I'm typically one of those guys that will get out in knee deep water. Not afraid to get wet. I've seen a few guys sprain ankles  trying to stay dry by using unstable steeping,  slippery stones.


4/11/2017 7:35 am  #12

Re: Camp Shoes

Two pairs come with me. One "wet" and one "dry". For the "dry" I've got a pair of Salomon X Ultra 2 GTX which are always packed. I love them. They are my camp shoe, I wear them for lengthy portages, and depending on the weather I might wear them in the canoe as well. I really try to avoid stepping in shin deep water in them as I hate when they get soaked through. 

As for my "wet" shoe I haven't found a surefire winner. I've basically been looking for something I don't care about stepping in and out of water in, that breathes and doesn't stay soaked, and if I'm being picky, something sturdy enough to portage in. I've done a few trips in a pair of Vibrams but they weren't the greatest and the black flies seemed attracted to them and bit right through em. Had been planning on trying out a pair of Keen Newport H2 but they're on the pricier side.

swedish pimple wrote:

this weeks "canadian tire " flier has "outbound shore sandals" on sale, half off
    $44.99 reg price ,,, sale price $22.49
   that  is what have for water shoes,,,,, canadian tire money used for purchase  equals free water shoes
  it pays to buy gas at "canadian tire"

Funny you mention these Swede. I stumbled on these on Saturday morning and thought I'd try them out! Grabbed a pair for myself and another for the girlfriend. Can't beat $22. Hopefully they hold up for a few trips.


4/11/2017 8:03 am  #13

Re: Camp Shoes

The Patagonia ones I've been dreaming of are slip ons and look more like Sanuks or Toms but a better shape for my foot. 

I think I might end up with Sanuks because I like the slip on aspect and the light weight aspect. 

Everyone has such different preferences it's fascinating to hear about everyone's go-to gear.

     Thread Starter

4/11/2017 8:33 am  #14

Re: Camp Shoes

I've been recently introduced to "Cushe" slippers . . . expensive for a canvas slip on, but dry out fairly fast, much better support/comfort than crocs (at least for me) and if you watch you can usually get them 1/2 price . . .

that said, I think they've been discontinued and sold under Merrell now, but might be worth a try for some as light weight camp shoes . . .



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