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Trip Planning » Lake of Two Rivers Access? » 5/30/2020 3:48 pm

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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if its possible to start an overnight trip at the lake of two rivers campground? Is there somewhere to Park? or are we obligated to park at nearby Rock Lake access 9? I tried searching the forum and didn't find anything...


Trip Planning » Rock Lake Road » 4/04/2019 3:59 pm

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Great news, thanks Rob!

Trip Planning » Rock Lake Road » 4/04/2019 11:52 am

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I'm planning on heading down there for an ice-out trip, is the road paved? If not is it generally in good condition? Not driving an SUV or anything.


Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 4/04/2019 11:32 am

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Hey everyone, I'm all on board the optimist train! My friend told me to check out the MODIS sat data, and holy crap look at that snow line recession between April 1-3. Spring is sprung!

Trip Planning » Spring Trips? » 3/23/2019 10:11 am

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After an easy slow trip last spring in Kawartha Lakes, my Friend and I are planning on a more ambitious 5 nighter.  Access 9 down to Welcome, back up to Louisa, head lake, madawaska river, two rivers, back to access 9, with a rest day on Louisa. Love the ice our trips for the solitude, and the lack of bugs. Given there's no swimming, neither of us are particularily inclined to sit around camp all day. Paddle more, see more, do more!


Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 3/19/2019 1:02 pm

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I saw that graph yesterday Gord, and it has become my saving grace!!! late April(2017) followed by mid May (2018) opening, the graph says we should be swinging back at least to the first days of May, if not earlier in April... I know it seems IMPOSSIBLE with the deep snow and ice right now, but we must believe!!! I need to get in an early spring trip before leaving for summer work on May 10

Trip Planning » Alternative parks? » 4/29/2018 1:09 pm

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Hello everyone,

My friend and I are booked in the Park from the 7-11th, though i'm getting less and less optimistic that will be happening. Due to our work commitments this is the only time we really have to go camping. So, do you have any recommendations for some nice canoe camping outside of the park? And that isn't frozen over lol. I think we'll be able to paddle Frontenac, though it's small. We're in Ottawa.

Thanks as always for any advice you have,

Trip Planning » Early May Access 9 Loop » 4/20/2018 9:01 pm

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Thanks everyone for commenting, we're looking at the alternative loop proposed by PaPaddler, but I think we're gonna stick with the original loop, less time on big lakes.

Trip Planning » Early May Access 9 Loop » 4/11/2018 11:30 pm

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Hello all, first forum post here, i'll try to keep it neat and tidy. Myself and a friend are planning on going on a trip leaving May 7 (Ice out is worrying me as much as everyone else). Latter isn't an option due to work commitments. We're both experienced campers, or as experienced as a couple of guys in their early 20s can be. And leaving from Ottawa.

Here's our proposed trip:

Day 1- Access 9 to Welcome/Harry's Lake
Arrive early allowing for put-in and a long afternoon of portaging.

Day 2- Wecome to Louisa
More relaxed day

Day 3- Louisa - Head

Day 4- Head - Whitefish (via Head Creek and Madawaska)
This day is longer than we'D like but there are no campsites from the Madawaska to Whitefish Lake. I'm hoping that the spring current will make our lives easier paddling downstream for a few hours.

Day 5- Whitefish - Access 9
Lazy morning and head back home

We're not sure if this schedule is too tough given spring conditions, as we haven't been this early before. Please let me know if we've bitten off more than we can chew, and any other good 4 night loops we could do. We'll be two paddlers in one canoe, and will pack as light as is feasible but will almost certainly have to double portage on days 1 and 2.

I've included everything I can think of off the top of my head. I look forward to hearing from the community, we can't wait to get out and paddle.


Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.