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Trip Planning » Nipissing R between High Falls and Cedar Lake in early Sept » 2/08/2024 8:12 am

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I am planning a trip from cedar lake, at the end of aug/early sept. At the moment the plan is, Cedar - Catfish, Catfish - Robinson (Remona or Whiskey jack), third night at Long Marsh or Perly Dam on the Nip. Then paddle out the next day (4 days, 3 nights). In that section of the nipissing river, will there be enough water at that time of year to travel down the river without a great deal of slowdowns?

Trip Planning » Big Tim Lake Loop » 3/12/2023 10:53 am

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Hello All

I was looking at the map of Algonquin the other day and the wheels started turning and now I have a trip idea. Hoping to do this trip in late July to early August, over the course of 6-7 days.
Day 1 - Tim Lake to Big Bob (7.7 km)
Day 2 - Big Bob to one of the 3 campsites before the Highview cabin on the Nip (30.5 km)
Day 3 - One of the campsites listed above to High Falls on the Nip (25.5 km)
Day 4 - From High Falls to Big Trout (24.1 km)
Day 5 - Big Trout to Misty Lake (22.7 km)
Day 6 - Misty Lake to Iagoo Lake (20.2 km)
Day 7 - Iagoo Lake to Tim Lake (7.2 km)

If anyone has been on this route, or parts of it, I'd like to know about what to expect on way. Especially on the Nip an whether it's a good idea to go upstream on the Petawawa from White Trout L


Equipment » Where to acquire durable long-wearing cord/rope? » 7/29/2022 4:20 pm

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You could look into Amsteel, blue stuff is the real stuff. it has a very high tensile strength  

Trip Planning » Tim River In Early August » 3/26/2022 3:24 pm

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Hello All

I am planning a trip from Magnetawan to Big Trout and back to Magnetawan, entering the Tim River at the 1450m and 410m portages. Anyone who has paddled the Tim River in that section, have water levels been high enough for easy travel in early August? Is the river overgrown with alders like I've seen on Nipissing River? Any and all advice is helpful, thank you!


Where In Algonquin? » WIA 549 » 2/06/2022 10:53 pm

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Yes, Tom Thomson

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 549 » 2/06/2022 7:28 pm

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Facing South East

Trip Planning » May Long Weekend 2022 » 2/06/2022 10:56 am

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I'm planning an easy 3 day trip over may long weekend to Louisa, historically what have the bugs been like in Algonquin that weekend, last year when I went up to a friends cottage near the Kawartha Highlands they weren't that bad, anyways, any info you have on when bugs usually come out in may would be great. thanks

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 548 » 2/05/2022 1:47 pm

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Dickson, Little Dickson, or White Partridge?

Trip Planning » Hopefully Busy Summer » 2/01/2022 6:30 pm

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I wish I could get this much time off of work, holy smokes. You might see me on the May long weekend on Louisa. Have a great summer!

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 547 » 2/01/2022 2:04 pm

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Ravenau or Lantern?

Trip Planning » Considering this loop shown in Blue (Start access point #10) » 10/14/2021 1:47 pm

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I went a few years back in late summer when water levels were lower and getting over the beaver dams between the 600m and 55m portages were tough. I would assume in high water they wouldn't be much of a hassle. Going between Rock and White Fish Lakes was bug hell as well when I was there last year. Have a great trip!

Trip Planning » fall season logging noise on Manitou? (what should I expect?) » 9/28/2021 2:07 pm

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Hey there B
Algonquin Forest Authority doesn't allow any kind of logging activities near any lakes, rivers, portages that are used by Backcountry Campers so you shouldn't hear anything.

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