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Trip Planning » Start your trip planning for an early ice out date? » 3/07/2020 12:55 pm

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Just checked the two week forecast, there are periods of above freezing overnight temperatures. Could this year be an early (before May) ice out? Fingers crossed, I have been disappointed in the past few years. 


Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 4/04/2019 10:32 am

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RobW I love your wishful enthusiasm. 

As we enter April these next 3 weeks are crucial.

Fingers crossed folks!! 

Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 3/21/2019 3:36 pm

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I know there has been above normal snow this winter, but I tracked the weather and ice out very closely last winter and comparatively temperatures this season are higher. Last winter we had a record cold April, and "they" (The meteorologists at Environment Canada and the Weather Network) are predicting a typical Spring this year. 

I know this is highly anecdotal, but the 14 day forecasts last year around this time for Whitney were way below seasonal. Currently, with the odd brief exception, they are at or above seasonal with plenty of sunshine. And to be frank, the weather in January/February is less relevant and less probative of ice out, than the crucial first 3 weeks of April. 

With all that said, we should (I hope) have an earlier ice out this year, hopefully for my own selfish trip planning reasons, earlier than May 6th! 

Also for any other weather nerds out there please keep your eye on the satellite imagery here: 

Fingers crossed for the melt! 


Trip Planning » Is it too early to talk about Ice Out? » 4/11/2018 12:36 pm

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I have one planned for the first week of May (Louisa loop) and have settled on it being scrapped. Very disappointing but simply nothing you can do. Lets hope the upcoming storm is more rain than snow, but even that I am doubtful about 

Catch-all Discussions » 2018 Ice Out Predictions? » 4/02/2018 10:33 am

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I also have an early trip booked but I am not going to begin worrying just yet. Why? In comparison to last year, modis images show we are further ahead. Also, despite the first week of April appearing to be a bit chilly, for what its worth the long term forecast shows a seasonal warming trend. In my experience, those middle weeks of April are most determinate of ice out, not this week. If that is interrupted or delayed I will worry. For now, I'm predicting a typical ice out, between the 27th and 29th. 

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LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.