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7/05/2016 9:37 am  #1

TurboJetslams - a book paddlers will appreciate/love

As a paddler, you'll appreciate TurboJetslams!  (And it's on sale now at smashwords, but it's also available in print.)
Here's the blurb:
You ever have a neighbour whose behaviour is so mind-bogglingly inconsiderate and so suicide-inducingly annoying that you just want to ask him, in a polite Canadian way, to please stop?
TurboJetslams isn't like that.
Jass Richards' new novel, TurboJetslams: Proof #29 of the Non-Existence of God, tells the tale of one person's pathetic and hilarious attempts to single-handedly stop the destruction of a little piece of beautiful Canadian wilderness by the increasing numbers of idiots who couldn't care less.



Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.